Djordje Brankovic
Balkanska 32/30
SRB- 11000 Belgrad
General contact
T: +43 1 748 55 44
Kunsttrans Vienna
You can find all contacts for Kunsttrans Vienna here.
Djordje Brankovic
Balkanska 32/30
SRB- 11000 Belgrad
Zbignev Kovacovsky
Bojnicka 10
SK-831 04
Libor Vesely
Dukelskych hrdinu 47
CZ-17000 Praha 7
Birgit Vikas
Fritschgasse 1a
5020 Salzburg
Tina Lukinac
F: +385 13702421
Prevoj 95
HR-10000 Zagreb
Find all locations and contacts for the hasenkampgroup at: hasenkampgroup – Kontakt : hasenkampgroup.